

A V Ram Aluminium Traders Laminated Safety Glass can be used in the applications where safety, security, solar control, UV protection, noise control are required. A V Ram Aluminium Traders ‘Laminated Glass is forced as a sandwich of 2 or more sheets of glass bonded to a tough and thermoplastic polyvinyl butyral (PVB) or Sentry Glass interlayer. Laminated glass can also be manufactured annealed or / and tempered glass.

Laminated Glass is a safety glass made by taking a sheet laminated between two pieces of glass. The laminated sheet is generally a polyvinyl butyral (PVB) sheet. The PVB sheet in the middle of the glass helps to glue the pieces of glass when the glass is broken. Laminated glass is designed to prevent it from breaking into pieces and thus ensures safety.

  • Do not use organic sealant, which could lead to delamination
  • Delamination may occur due to the rippling of the glass
  • The manufacturing process, if not performed properly, may result in delamination.
  • The edge of the glass where the chemical bond is weaker is strongly attacked by delamination
  • Laminated glass edges should not be exposed to water
Extremely High Safety - A V Ram Aluminium Traders’ Laminated Glass withstands penetration by impact, even if the glass cracks, splinters will stick to the interlayer and not scatter. It also helps prevent injuries from falling glass.

Solar Energy Performance - The interlayer impedes the transmission of solar heat and reduces air conditioning cost.

Sound Control - A V Ram Aluminium Traders Safe Laminated Glass is an excellent barrier to noise. The damping performance of interlayer provides a superior acoustic insulation performance which makes it ideal for airports, hotels, hospitals data processing centers or recording studios etc.

Ultra Violet Screening - The PVB layer filters out more than 99% of ultra Violet rays and prevents the colours of furniture and curtains from fading.

Improved Security - A V Ram Aluminium Traders also provides Burglar Resistant Laminated Safety Glass.

Always delayed Fire Spread - Standard laminated glass will also not disintegrate readily when exposed to heat, so it confines to fire longer than normal glass. However standard laminated glass mainly does not meet code requirement of fire resistant glass.
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